The Summer Olympic Tokyo games and our very own US GOAT, (Greatest of All Time) Simone Biles, have called global attention to the negative ripple effects of trauma when it has not been physically expressed from your body. It's time to have a louder, bolder talk about Energy Psychology and it's powerful, healing benefits.
Empathy: The ability to understand and share the feelings of others.

As an Energy Psychologist who specialized in trauma, (aka Trauma Queen), from where I stand, currently there is a global imbalance of empathy from one extreme to another.
On one end of the spectrum, there are those like Andrea Orris who posted a powerful message on her Twitter account. It states, in part: "We are talking about the same girl who was molested by her team doctor throughout her entire childhood and teenage years...That girl has endured more trauma by the age of 24 than most people will ever go through in a lifetime."
On the polar opposite end of empathy is a man like Piers Morgan, an influential English broadcaster and journalist who has no patience for Simone Biles trauma and only sees the repercussions of her decision. He publically scolds her for being selfish for not thinking of her teammates.
The Danger of Too Much...
The danger of too much empathy is that it can turn into enabling someone to be a life-time victim. Too little empathy deepens the wound and can trigger reverberating detrimental emotional effects. To heal your mind and body it's a healthy first step to own your trauma. But you don't have to stay stuck in it for the rest of your life.
As an expert in trauma, serial molestation is no joke. It's also something that requires the help of a skilled, experienced practitioner to successfully apply the tapping methods that are very specific in dealing with serial trauma. When these methods are applied strategically, it will collapse even the longest list of traumatic events within serial trauma.
By the way, as an additional bonus using Energy Psychology, releasing traumatic experiences from your body can be done painlessly without you having to go through the experience again by focusing on it or talking about it. EFT founder, Gary Craig called this method the Tearless Trauma Technique. It provides a therapeudic dissociation from the problem and allows an emotionally painless entry to the memory so that it can be released from your body.
Successfully Overcome Trauma
There are countless case studies of people who successfully overcome their trauma forever using Energy Psychology, specifically it's most popular method, EFT (tapping). The game-changer is that tapping activates our human biofields.

Activating Human Biofields can edit a memory
Now more than ever we're discovering that our minds are inextricably connected to our bodys. Current neuroscientific research has shown that our memories are actually pliable. We can actually change a memory, excise the pain from a traumatic memory and repackage the memory into a benign experience. Not amnesia, the memory gets refiled as low priority, and no longer a highly charged jolt to your system.
It's called Memory Reconsolidation. Find out more click here.
No matter how old you are or how long it's been, it’s never too late to release trauma from your body. As long as you're alive you have the opportunity to heal old wounds and create a happier, healthier, more resilient life.
Most importanly, I promise you, there is hope. Or I wouldn't be doing this.