Did you know that when you release the energy of Adverse Childhood Experiences aka (ACE) you’ve also found the “Off Switch” to your weight issues?
If you release them using an Energy Psychology technique like the Bitch Tap Method,™ your entire life changes for the better without you focusing on just one issue.
How do I know for sure? Recent studies about the efficacy of Tapping support that when your body gets an inner signal that it’s safe again, something wonderful happens.
It frees your mind from the fear, and allows it to accept better possibilities and form healthier interpretations of old, negative information! In fact, it happens without you even trying to force-feed affirmations; it’s just a natural response beyond your control!
When it comes to issues with weight there are obvious and not so obvious reasons for the imbalance, whether you’re under-weight or over-weight.
Most of us already know that obesity can be used as a barrier to ward-off negative attention if you’re the victim of bullying, incest, molestation, or rape. These traumatic events are obvious and easier to reach.
But there’s also the deep emotional pain that you can’t see as easily and that contributes to your inability to lose weight or gain it. FYI, those issues center around your heart chakra, your solar plexus chakra and your throat chakra.
Over-nurturing yourself and under-nurturing yourself both have origins beginning with your mother’s limited ability to love.
If your mother lacked the nurturing chip then (somewhere deep) you probably felt unloved, neglected, abandoned, unworthy, not good enough, unimportant, and invisible. Multiply these feelings x10 if you were raised in the foster care system, or put up for adoption.
The most basic and primary emotions involved with weight issues are anger and sadness.
Examples of over-nurturing:
In the case of morbid obesity it’s anger, rage, and self-loathing predominately, but also control…over-controlling because now you’re so large someone else has to do things for you, meeting deeper infantile needs unmet.
If you have unexpressed anger and a hard time speaking up for yourself, it could be the driving force that gets you up in the middle of the night to raid the fridge. Check your secret shit list for the answers.
Anxiety eating, aka nervous eating, and sweet addictions are a great tip-off that you need soothing and comfort…gotta wonder when that started and why?
A few examples to get you thinking about under-nurturing:
You can’t seem to gain weight no matter what you do, it’s almost like your body won’t accept the extra support. If an underlying disease is not the culprit, it’s just you rejecting love.
You skip meals because it’s too much effort and other things are more important. You come last.
You hate to cook for yourself, it’s too much trouble and you don’t enjoy it. Look for past supporting evidence why you’re not worth the effort. The dichotomy is that it makes you feel loved when someone else cooks for you.
In summary, if you can identify with any of these examples, realize that they are the tentacles from your past traumas.
But here’s the deal, it’s not your past that’s affecting you, it’s the memories of the past…the energy of the emotions from those memories that are stuck.
But when you release the molecules of emotion from trauma, your biochemistry tells your body it’s safe again, everything falls back into balance naturally….like the sweet cream that floats to the top.
I’m offering you new hope. There’s no time like the present for deep, satisfying, lasting change. Because releasing trauma from your body holds the key to bringing your body weight back into balance.