I’m super excited about launching my upcoming No More Trauma Course beginning Monday, September 28, 2020!
You’ll learn how to properly apply my Bitch Tap Method,™ so you can release the emotional energy from your Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) as well as those traumas experienced as an adult.
This course is your golden opportunity to experience an incredible emotional and physical healing in just six week time.
To read more about Energy Psychology, my method of tapping, and clearing out ACE events, click here for a free copy of my book, Diary of a Mad Practitioner (limited time only).
Actually, there’s so many positive results from the No More Trauma Course, I'll be highlighting them here on the blog, one at a time for your benefit.
You can use the Bitch Tap Method ™ to recover from Body Dismorphic Disorder (BDD). That's where you actually "hate" a part of your body.
If you can honestly look at yourself without sending your hair, facial feature, or body part personal ‘hate mail,’ this topic probably won’t apply to you.
Releasing trauma from your body will enable you to let go of the shame, balance your self-esteem, and lose your obsession with flaws.
The thing is, you could have BDD 'lite' and not see it as a problem because you’ve done it for so long it feels normal.
But if you know someone who struggles withi this issue, you have my permission to forward this blog post.
Clinical textbook descriptions of BDD’s origins say it stems from having a “complex family history.”
In other words, these are ACE events ya’ll. It's exactly what we cover in my course.
It’s negative past experiences (trauma) that trigger this condition. People who have BDD were teased, bullied, ignored, or abused for their perceived defects or imperfections. And they took it the only way they could at the time...personally.
Moderate to Severe Symptoms:
You’re addicted to plastic surgery, spending thousands of dollars to correct and refine your ‘flaws’
You’d rather look like someone else, you have an ‘ideal’ image
You spend a great deal of time and effort to conceal flaws
Your minor imperfections are disproportionately magnified
You feel stress talking about your body
Spend hours scrutinizing your looks
Avoid social gatherings to keep away from people (pre-Covid-19)
Constantly comparing your looks to others and criticize them to feel better about yourself
You constantly look at the mirror or constantly avoid them
Everyday Negative Messages:
I hate my nose
I hate my hair
I hate my arms
My lips are too thin
My ears look like Dumbo the Elephant
I have cankles instead of ankles
My feet are ugly I won’t wear sandals
I won’t wear shorts because I hate my veins
Are you feeling me? This is a big topic, but easily collapsable once you know how.
There’s another side to this other than esthetics that also causes us to send more hate mail to ourselves.
If you’re suffering from chronic pain and you find yourself mad at that body part, it sounds like; “my stupid hip hurts, my damn knee is killing me, I’m sick of my fricken low back.” You’re not exactly wishing yourself well, quite literally you’re adding insult to injury.
And this topic also includes those of you born with a birth defect or who have a physical deformity due to a traumatic accident or injury. Whenever your self-esteem is lacking there is always room for energetic improvement. And there is hope to regain your own love and acceptance.
Physiologically, did you know that constant criticism worsens this condition by causing a chemical imbalance in the brain by lowering serotonin? This is a part of your body's neurochemistry that goes back into balance when you access your Biofields and release emotional energy through tapping.
In addition, people with BDD also fear confrontation and do not easily discuss their issues with others. So how does one learn to play on their own team?
Prior to the discovery of Energy Psychology, talk therapy was the long road to gain any type of positive cognitive shift for BDD. It’s treatment was more of a wrestling match with your intellect that included continued ‘management' to keep those negative thoughts and feelings at bay beneath the surface.
BDD isn’t considered a ‘big trauma’ but the emotional energy from this type of issue is powerful enough to keep you dissatisfied in the mirror, cause you deep rooted self-consciousness, and screw-up the way you think about yourself for your entire life…if you don’t know how to remove it properly from your heart, mind, and body.
The good news I’m super excited to launch my No More Trauma Course using the Bitch Tap Method™ You'll experience first hand the power of releasing your past trauma, while unlocking the potential of your future.
And...Your results last a lifetime.