Let me know in a few words what area of Dr. Rossanna's services you'd like more info about. I'll get back to you within a day or so set up a appointment for us to talk.
If you have the feeling that something is not working for you in your life right now, you're probably right.
The good news is advanced self-awareness, self-reflection and a yearning for change signifies a growth-spurt!
If you're not suffering from a health issue, but you see room for improvement, my Laser-Focused sessions in this 90 day program provide a focused pathway, energetically releasing your discontent and self-sabotage. Using my signature methods, you'll dissolve the hidden angers, fears and sadness stemming from core events that feed into the way you're feeling now.
Releasing the emotional neurochemistry of negative past events allows room for more happiness and joy in your life! Who doesn't want some of that?
Based upon a personal history "Discovery Session" in person, by Zoom meeting, or by phone, together we will determine the focus and goals for your success.
I'll provide you with a personal and customized comprehensive report by email, giving you my intuitive impressions of the issues (and blind spots) that need addressing to get you back on track to achieve your desired goals. Throughout our one-on-one time together, my intuitive insights guide the focus of our sessions, making them highly personalized and highly productive.
By purposefully influencing your own Biofield, specific to Energy Psychology, the major distinction from other psychological approaches, you gain mastery over every aspect of your life while improving your emotional and physical health.
The energy from your biofields (Auras, Meridian energy pathways and Chakras) interpenetrate every tissue, organ, and cell in your body. Deep healing from the inside-out occurs because they directly influence and induce your healing process in unison with every cell, tissue and organ system.
Using Dr. Rossanna's Bitch Tap™ process (or grumble if you can't bitch) is a remarkably powerful and effective approach to self-improvement and self-empowerment. With each session you'll move you closer to freedom from the tentacles of the past that play a major role in the way you react or over-react to similar situations today.
And you'll learn how to recognize your own body's physical relaxation response when the neurochemistry of your negative memory is released. It's called Memory Reconsolidation. Your positive results are felt immediately and last a lifetime.
90 Day Outline:
Three Months of sessions, scheduled 3 per month, one each week with a week off to assimilate change.
Sessions are pre-scheduled for the 90 days at time of enrollment.
Online pre-scheduling for recurring sessions will be made available by email.
Each session is 60 - 75 minutes.
Sessions can be rescheduled, but they have to be in the same week as the originally scheduled session.
A Mid-Program assessment and goal calibration occurs at the end of one and a half months.
Between sessions application of the techniques is required and unlimited e-mail support is included.
You will receive free access to the Heal Your Future Membership site and private YouTube channel.
Closing goal assessment is at the end of 90 days.
If you need other arrangements, please contact us.